Friday, August 28, 2009


Bon’ jour ! Farah in the house! So, I did a research about “Is Michael Jackson Islam?” Based on my sources, Michael Jackson did convert to Islam. Most of my sources are reliable indeed! Some of them came from newspaper articles. It was also stated that he changed his name to Mikaeel. Cool huh?

“In early 2007, Jackson’s brother Jermaine Jackson, a Muslim and the family’s official spokesman, announced that Michael would embrace Islam. Last November press reports said that Jackson had formerly converted to the religion.”
Quoted from;

To support my statements, here are my sources that proves that Michael Jackson did convert to Islam;

The picture above shows that Michael Jackson is wearing a typical Arab costume with his son Blanket. Its clear that Michael Jackson has converted to Islam.

It was claimed that he moved to Bahrain with his children after his 2005 acquittal of child molestation charges and lived there for a year as a guest of the royal family. But after disagreement over plans for a concert comeback fell through his benefactor filed a lawsuit against him for $7 million that ended in an out of court settlement in 2008.
And while his stay at Bahrain, Michael converted to Islam and they are witnesses saying so.

So my final conclusion is Michael Joseph Jackson did convert to Islam.

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