Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How did Michael Jackson turn white - Darren

Hello people , Darren here . Going to talk about how did Michael Jackson turn white .
Here is a quote :
Michael Jackson's skin was white because he had a rare skin condition called vitiligo. Vitiligo is an inherited genetic disorder. It is a condition in which you lose melanocytes (cells that give color to the skin). This results in smooth, white-milky patches in the midst of normally pigmented skin. In the case of African-Americans, this discoloration is very prominent, although any age, sex and race can suffer from it.
Quoted from : wiki.answers.com

Therefore , I concluded that Michael Jackson turn white on his own will . Although the source above is trustworthy , but in my opinion , I think he go for plastic surgery and ask the surgeon to make him turn white .
I have no idea why he wanted to be white but anyway , I think he died of heart attack . Maybe he saw something that he got the shock of his life then his heart starts to pound very fast and that’s why he died . Or maybe the over-dosage of drugs that caused him his life . The drugs’ side effect have taken a toll on his life .

Age 50 , what a age to die , but he was the true king of pop , well , Navi is going to be the second one as his moves are also similar to Michael Jackson but not as good as Michael Jackson . His music will live on forever .

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